Social observation

"Fusion and confusion of love / devastated world"

In 2015 in Oct I was locked out of my friend’s flat by mistake in outskirts of Berlin. I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood of the building until my friend came back. While I was killing my time in the neighborhood I found the second hand book shop which  actually was a vintage porn shop. I happen to find several photo albums that were series of  amateur pregnant porn photos from 1970's.  I was devastated  to find out that there are such a perverted sexual preference in this world. 

Although these pregnant porn pictures were disturbing, I could not keep my eyes off from them as  I felt some kind of black humors and human’s crisis  in these photos. They have shocking effects as pregnant itself is a very personal matter and mystical experience and they sacrifice their privacy to the perverted audience.  I observed the dichotomy between female’s inferiority and superiority for sexual objectification.

I found them very disturbing as their personality and dignity are completely ignored and only sex images remain for someone’s desire.  With the assumption that these models  compromised to work for the sex industry,  I felt that these images can be sexual violence especially because they are pregnant. Maternity images should be protected as dignity not degrading women. Why did these model have to sacrifice themselves ? I find crisis in both situations between porn models and men those who have  such a perverted preference for their sexual desire. 

Despite a gradual progress in the past half century, sex discrimination and sacrifice  persists.  It’s no exaggeration to say that it  represents that many human beings are in crisis to find a functional  love.

For the series of "Fusion and confusion of love / devastated world" work I decided to edit  these vintage pregnant photos on the computer and made a series of digital collages with the other found images that go along with my concept and then I printed them onto the Japanese traditional tatami mattress.
A3 sizes (297×420mm)
